SKT T1 and Gama Bears

SKT annihilated the Gama Bears. The first match was aggressive and left no room for GB to gain control. GB’s bottom lane was strong, gaining small advantages and CS over their opponents, but that wasn’t enough to win the game. GB’s solo lanes were in trouble. SKT’s Bengi was a menace to top and bottom lanes and caught GB’s Steak overextended twice, securing the first two kills of the match. Bengi continued to put pressure across the lanes; SKT dominated team fights and had superior CS; all these allowed SKT to control the first game and claim victory.

During the second match, Gama Bears decided to switch things up, attempting to play less passive composing their team with a mobile Elise in the jungle, the popular assassin Ahri in the mid lane, and even taking a buffed AP runes Annie as a support. However, SKT showed GB that their efforts were meaningless. In a bottom lane 3v3 skirmish, SKT demolished GB, garnering a lead of 3-0. SKT continued to play strongly, keeping GB from having map vision and holding a steady gold lead. SKT ended the second match victorious.

Royal and OMG

After a brutal loss to Royal during the Chinese Regional final, OMG must once again face their strength, that was brushed off as a fluke during regionals, and Royal has the chance to validate their standing. During the first game, Royal provoked fights often and early, hoping to leave no survivors– a tactic that is common for Royal. OMG was more passive than Royal, putting their faith in the near-unstoppable, split-pusher Jax. Royal pushed relentlessly, in attempt to win before Jax became out of control; they put their faith in Uzi, nicknamed in China “Crazy Puppy”. In game one, Royal used the strategy often called “Raise the Puppy”, where the team protects and “raises” their star ADC Uzi. Uzi came through for Royal, and they were soon able to snowball the game in their favor, using their Baron buff to push for the win, gaining first game victory.

Second game was similar to the first. Royal was aggressive, prioritizing damage; Uzi was on Vayne and Wh1t3zZ was on Zed. OMG went for a more defensive team composition, which contributed to the close game, but when it came down to late game team fighting, Royal displayed their strength and coordination. Tabe’s Crescendos stunned OMGs main threats allowing Royals main offense to melt the opposition. Royal was able to have a clean victory 2-0, ending OMGs season 3.

Quarterfinals Day 2 Recap League of Legends