League of Legends is in its third season and has just recently released its latest patch, 3.10a, which made changes to several champions. The changes were made in order to balance out champions to improve game play.
LeBlanc had her base health regeneration and her attack damage per level increased to counteract how vulnerable she was. Riven’s Q—Broken wings—can now leap over walls. Riven has always been my favorite and it will be interesting to see how her new update works into her “high mobility play style and skirmish play pattern.”

Riven fights Dragon
In contrast to the previous champions’ buffs, several champions were “nerfed” in order to keep the champions from over-powering other champions. Shen’s shield was weakened somewhat in order to create a more balanced set of champions. After 3.10, late game damage dealers will have an easier time dueling the tanky Shen.
Master Yi suffered multiple set-backs. His attack speed decreased by .75% per level. His move “Wuju Style” has been given a flat 10% passive attack damage (AD) bonus at all ranks, which in late game is reduced from his previous passive AD bonus.”Highlander” now reduces ability cooldowns on a percentage of kill/assist basis, instead of at a flat second reduction, which makes it impossible for him to get “a ‘full reset’ to chain Alpha Strikes together even if he kills with his first Alpha Strike.”
Champions weren’t the only aspects of the game to see changes. Phage and Trinity Force no longer have the passive “Icy”, instead they now have “rage” which buffs a champion’s movement speed during combat. Blade of the Ruined King and Bilgewater Cutlass both had their ranges reduced from 550 to 450. The cost of Spirit Visage increased from 2625 to 2750.
3.10a also released a new champion, Lucian the Purifier. He is a “high mobility marksman who wields powerful relic weapons on a crusade to free his wife’s spirit from Thresh’s lantern”. He is a ranged damage-dealing champion great for easy harassment of opposing champions.
Several more patches are scheduled for release before the end of the season in October.
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