Tome: Immortal Arena Launches on Steam

KIXEYE, a leading free-to-play game developer, today launched its new brawler MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena)  TOME: Immortal Arena on Steam. The game’s debut on Steam is marked by the launch of a 5v5 Map “Sanctuary”. Available now for free download TOME: Immortal Arena turns a new page for the MOBA category, with a streamlined, fast-paced, action-first approach to the popular game genre.

With a guiding design philosophy that emphasizes action and accessibility,TOME: Immortal Arena rewrites the unintuitive elements of the genre that clutters and complicates gameplay. Conceived and created by a team of gaming veterans who have collectively contributed to some of the most notable MOBAs (League of Legends), competitive RTS titles (Command & Conquer), and MMORPGs (World of Warcraft) in history, TOME: Immortal Arena offers a fresh, fast, and more fight-focused take for inexperienced and seasoned players alike.

In TOME: Immortal Arena, players — or ‘Harbingers’ — enter the arena, battling with a team of Guardians for supremacy over a domain in conflict. Fighting within the two-lane 3v3 ‘Coliseum’ map, or newly unveiled 5v5 ‘Sanctuary’ map, players defeat their opponent’s minions, Guardians, and ultimately, Tower, to win these furious 10-20 minute matches.

“TOME: Immortal Arena was meticulously created to extract the minutiae from the MOBA genre and pack in the polish and elements that equal a fast, fun, rewarding experience for players at all levels,” remarked Rade Stojsavljevic of KIXEYE. “We can’t wait to play TOME with the Steam community – this is the day we’ve been working towards.”

TOME: Immortal Arena Features:

  • Fast not Frustrating: Matches last 10-15 minutes as opposed to 30-60 minute matches in traditional MOBA titles, reducing frustration and player toxicity.

  • Constant Action: Stale genre hallmarks and unintuitive gameplay mechanics have been removed and improved. With in-lane healing, no last-hitting, the ability to purchase items from anywhere on the map, and an auto-buy feature, typical hurdles that halt the action have been streamlined for a faster, more action-focused experience.

  • Always Earning: Players earn Guardian XP, Devotion, and favor with the six Gods every battle, even within Practice Modes. This unlocks a variety of rewards such as Relics and Blessings that players can use to customize their collection of Guardians for a more personalized experience.

  • Guardians Galore: Battle and level with your choice of 20 Guardians at launch, with more to be introduced in the future.

  • Hear the Voice of a God: In-game announcer voiced by legendary Evil Dead icon, Bruce Campbell.

KIXEYE isn’t new to this genre. Minions was one of the RTS games with MOBA features developed by this company. Tome Immortal Arena has a fantasy theme and nice graphics. Players view the battle map from a 3D perspective. It’s a browser-based game but it has all features we see in client based MOBAs. All it requires is a browser that supports the latest Adobe Flash Player and a game account. New players should check forums for Tome Immortal Arena related discussions and guidance from veteran palyers.


Tome: Immortal Arena Launches on Steam